
Compiler Design, Analysis, & Optimization

Self Paced | 30 Hours | Basic Certification
4,000.00 (Inc. GST)

Welcome to the Compiler Design course, where you’ll explore compiler construction from fundamentals to advanced techniques. Topics include the history, linking, lexical and syntax analysis, semantic analysis, and code generation. Practical sessions with Lex and YACC enhance learning. You’ll also delve into abstract syntax trees, type systems, intermediate representations, backpatching, and runtime systems, preparing you to design efficient, robust compilers.

Key Features:

  • Self-Paced Learning: Study at your own convenience and set your own schedule.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering all essential aspects of compiler design, from basic concepts to advanced topics.
  • Certification: Earn a certificate upon successful completion of the course.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with extensive knowledge in compiler design.

Why Learn with E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur

  • Explore cutting-edge trends, tools, and methodologies in Compiler Design, Analysis and optimization.
  • Acquire practical experience through <b> Immersive Case Studies and <b> hands-on projects.
  • Develop connections with professionals and alumni for collaboration opportunities.
  • Capstone Projects and Simulated Scenarios.

Course Outcomes:

  • Master all phases of compiler construction.
  • Implement lexical and syntax analysis using Lex and Yacc.
  • Build and optimize abstract syntax trees.
  • Design robust type systems and intermediate representations.
  • Apply advanced techniques in code generation and optimization.

Target Audience:

  • Computer Science Students
  • Software Developers
  • Researchers and Academics
  • Enthusiastic Learners


Module 1: Introduction, History, and Motivation

  • Motivation
  • History
  • The Big Picture

Module 2: Linking and Multifile Compilation

  • Linking – I
  • Linking – II
  • Linking – III
  • Linking – IV
  • Linking – V
  • Linking – VI
  • Preprocessor and Multifile Compilation

Module 3: An Overview of Compilers

  • What are Compilers
  • Goals of Translation
  • How to Translate?
  • Steps in Translation – I
  • Steps in Translation – II
  • Semantic Analysis
  • Front End Phases
  • Back End Phases
  • Example of Code Optimizations
  • Code Generation
  • Post Translation Optimizations – I
  • Post Translation Optimizations – II
  • Advantage of Analysis Synthesis Model
  • Issues in Compiler Design
  • Tool-based Compiler Development
  • Bootstrapping Example
  • Bootstrapping a Compiler

Module 4: Lexical Analysis Phase

  • Lexical Analysis
  • Implementing Lexical Analysis
  • The Role of Symbol Table
  • Lexical Analysis: Challenges
  • How to Specify Tokens
  • Regular Expressions and Definitions
  • Transition Diagrams
  • Lexical Analyzer Generators

Module 5: Lex and Yacc Tutorial

  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – I
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – II
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – III
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – IV
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – V
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – VI
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – VII
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – VIII
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – IX
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – X
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – XI
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – XII
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – XIII
  • Lex and Yacc: Tutorial – XIV

Module 6: Syntax Analysis Phase

  • Syntax Analysis
  • Syntax Analyzer Issues
  • Ambiguity
  • Resolving Ambiguities
  • Parsing
  • Bottom-up Parsing
  • Shift Reduce Parsing
  • Example of Shift Reduce Parsing
  • Parser Stack and Handle
  • Handle Properties
  • Handle Pruning
  • Conflicts
  • LR Parse Table
  • Using the Parse Table
  • Example of Parsing
  • Parser Configuration and Viable Prefixes
  • LR(0) Items and Closure
  • Goto Operation
  • Parse Table Creation Example
  • Example of Parse Table
  • When to Shift and When to Reduce
  • Computing Follow Set
  • SLR Parse Table
  • SLR Parser Limitation
  • Parse Table Discussion
  • CLR Parser
  • CLR Parser Example
  • CLR and LALR Parse Table
  • Notes on LALR Parsers

Module 7: Abstract Syntax Tree

  • Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
  • Computing AST
  • Constructing AST using YACC
  • AST for Various Statements

Module 8: Semantic Analysis Phase

  • Semantic Analysis
  • Why Semantic Analysis
  • Attribute Grammar Framework
  • Example of Semantic Analysis
  • Synthesized and Inherited Attributes
  • Synthesized Attributes

Module 9: Attribute Evaluation

  • Inherited Attributes
  • Example of Inherited Attribute
  • Dependence Graph
  • Attribute Evaluation
  • Example of Attribute Evaluation
  • L-attributed Grammar
  • Example of Translation Scheme
  • Evaluation of Translation Scheme
  • Another Example
  • Evaluating Inherited Attributes
  • Inherited Attributes on Parser Stack
  • Simulating the Evaluation of Inherited Attributes
  • Algorithm for Inherited Attribute Evaluation
  • Space for Attributes
  • Attribute Storage

Module 10: Type Systems

  • Introduction to Type Systems
  • Type Systems
  • Type Checking
  • Type Constructors
  • Types and Symbol Table
  • Type Checking of Functions
  • Type Checking of Expressions
  • Type Checking of Statements
  • Equivalence of Types
  • Name-based Equivalence of Types
  • Cycles in Types
  • Type Conversion
  • Type Checking with Conversion
  • Overloading
  • Overloading Resolution
  • Narrowing the Possible Types
  • Polymorphic Functions
  • Type Variables

Module 11: Intermediate Representation (IR) and Symbol Tables

  • IR and Symbol Tables
  • Issues in IR Design
  • Levels of IRs
  • Three Address Code
  • IR Demos

Module 12: Symbol Table Creation

  • Populating Symbol Table
  • Handling Scopes
  • Structure of Symbol Table
  • Global Symbol Table as a Tree
  • Storage Binding and Symbolic Registers
  • Local Variables in Frames
  • Storing Large Local Data
  • Symbol Table Creation
  • Declarations Processing
  • Nested Scopes
  • Records/structs in Symbol Table
  • Arrays in Symbol Table

Module 13: Intermediate Code Generation

  • Intermediate Code Generation
  • Three Address Code (3AC) for Expressions
  • Example of 3AC
  • 3AC for Flow of Control Statements
  • 3AC for Type Conversion
  • 3AC for Boolean (No Short-circuit)
  • 3AC for Boolean (Short Circuit)
  • Short Circuit and If-then
  • Short Circuit and If-then-else
  • Short Circuit for Boolean Expressions
  • 3AC for Case Statement

Module 14: Backpatching

  • Backpatching
  • Boolean
  • Expression Backpatching
  • Syntax Directed Translation for Backpatching
  • Example of Backpatching
  • Flow of Control Backpatching
  • Scheme to Implement Backpatching – I
  • Scheme to Implement Backpatching – II

Module 15: Procedures and Runtime Systems

  • Procedure Calls
  • Runtime Systems
  • Activation Tree
  • Declarations and Scope
  • Storage Organisation
  • Activation Records (AR)
  • AR Examples – I
  • AR Examples – II
  • AR Examples – III
  • AR Examples – IV
  • AR Examples – V
  • AR Examples – VI
  • AR Examples – VII
  • Issues Related to Runtime systems
  • Storage Allocation Strategies
  • Calling Sequence
  • Long/Unknown Length Data
  • Heap Allocation
  • Accessing Non-locals
  • Lexical Scoping
  • Using Access Links
  • Setting up Access Links
  • Access Link Scenarios
  • Procedures as Parameters
  • Displays
  • Dynamic Scoping
  • Parameter Passing

Module 16: Code Generation (CG)

  • CG Issues
  • Instruction Selection
  • Flow Graph
  • Register Allocation
  • Code Generation Algorithm
  • CG Example
  • CG Using DAG
  • CG using Instruction Reordering
  • Code Generator Generator
  • Sethi Ullman Algorithm: Introduction
  • Labeling
  • Algorithm
  • Example
  • Optimality

Instructor Profile

Name: Dr. Amey Karkare


Dr. Amey Karkare is a Professor in the CSE Department at IIT Kanpur. He completed his Ph.D. from IIT Bombay in 2009 and his B.Tech. from IIT Kanpur in 1998. His areas of interest include Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Program Analysis, Compiler Optimizations, and Functional Programming. He has more than seven years of industrial experience, most of which is in Compiler Optimizations. Dr. Karkare received the prestigious Infosys fellowship during his Ph.D. and P. K. Kelkar Young Research Fellowship at IIT Kanpur.


Q. What prerequisites are needed for this course?

A. Basic understanding of programming languages and data structures. Familiarity with C/C++ will be beneficial but not mandatory.

Q. How long is the course?

A. The course is self-paced, allowing you to complete it at your own speed.

Q. Is there any certification provided after the course completion?

A. Yes, a certificate will be awarded to those who successfully complete the course requirements.

Q. Can I access the course material after completion?

A. Yes, any student will have 6 months of access to the course materials.
