
Full Stack Web Developer (MongoDB, Express, React and Node JS) Advance

11,500.00 +GST

Rs. 17,500.00 – Rs. 11,500.00/-

SKU: N/A Category:

Full Stack Web Developer is a software expert who’s equally proficient in frontend (client-side) development and backend (server-side) development. Full Stack Developers are familiar with each layer of tech stacks that go into the making of a software product.

This course is encapsulated with the following key materials

  • Warm-up on the concepts of Web Development.
  • Prepare with comprehensive Topic-wise tutorial Materials
  • Highly Qualified and Experienced Technical Team to help each trainee.
  • Small Batch Size for focused Learning path of the student

 Key Learning Outcomes:

When you complete this Course Curriculum, you will be able to accomplish the following:

  • Design Static Web Application
  • Develop dynamic Web Application
  • Design and Develop Full Flashed Responsive Web Application
  • New ways of solving problems, and the ability to solve more complex problems.
  • Writing bug-free code.

 Target Audience:

  • Students who want to get selected in Top-Tier IT Companies like TCS, Infosys, Microsoft, Samsung, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Wipro, and all leading MNCs of the world.
  • Students who wish to work in the capacity of Full Stack Web Developer.
  • B.Tech/MCA/BCA/B.Sc IT/M.Tech Students/Working Professionals from Corporate

Test & Evaluation:

  • During the program, the participants will have to take all assignments given to them for better learning.
  • At the end of the program, a final assessment will be conducted


  • All successful participants will be provided with a certificate of completion.
  • Students who do not complete the course / leave it midway will not be awarded any certificate.

Duration: 120 hours (60 hours CLASSROOM sessions + 60 Hours of assignment)


Additional information

Program Mode

100% online LIVE, Classroom (Hybrid Mode)


Slot 1 : 1st June 2024 – 5th July 2024, Slot 1 : 20th May 2024 – 20th June 2024, Slot 2 : 1st July 2024 – 5th August 2024, Slot 2 : 22nd June 2024 – 23rd July 2024


Module 1 : Frontend Fundamentals


  • What is Server? Discuss LAMP/WAMP/XAMP? 
  • Difference between global server and local server?
  • Configuration of local server.
  • Role of http over the network/Internet.
  • Terminologies 
    • Web client
    • Web server
    • Web browser
    • Webpage
    • Website
  • Discuss Client server architecture.


Module 2 : Introduction to HTML

HTML Basics

  • Understand the structure of a HTML page.
  • Understanding HTML Elements.
  • Creating and saving first web page.
  • Defining the title on webpage.
  • Showing the icon on webpage.
  • Use of HTML Attributes. 
  • Syntax to use attribute in HTML.
  • Using background image.
  • Defining marquee in HTML
  • Empty HTML element.
  • Creating horizontal line.

Text and link on web page

  • Discussion on font formatting
  • Creating Headings in HTML.
  • Creating and styling Paragraphs.
  • Using different color coding.
  • Comments in HTML
  • Linking webpages using hyperlink
  • Creating different types of hyperlink
  • Creating image on webpage.

HTML Tables and basic layout

  • Showing data in tabular form.
  • Creating tabular data in different format.
  • Discussion on different properties of table and its impact
  • Formatting on table.
  • Initial layout management of website using table.
  • Discussion on div and span.

HTML Lists

  • Creating list on web page to show the details of product.
  • Creating different types of List.
  • Properties of numbered list.
  • Properties of bulleted list
  • Creating HTML description Lists

HTML Image Maps

  • The Image
  • The Map
  • The Areas

HTML iframe

  • What is the use of Iframe?
  • Discussion on frameset and iframe.
  • Setting height and width of iframe
  • Removing the Border from iframe

HTML Entities

  • HTML Symbols
  • HTML Encoding (Character Sets)

HTML Forms

  • Discussion on form
  • Attribute related to form 
  • Method of posting form on to server.
  • Discussion on binary data posting
  • Creating textbox, checkbox, radio button etc. control.
  • Differentiation between checkbox, radio button and drop down list.
  • Discussion on taking long text from user like feedback, address etc.


Module 3 : HTML5

HTML5 Basics

  • Introduction of HTML5.
  • Discussion on different version of HTML5.
  • Document type declaration in HTML5.
  • Comparing HTML5 with HTML.
  • Creating different form controls introduce in HTML5.
  • Discussion on different attribute introduce in HTML5.

Multimedia and graphics on webpage

  • Creating of audio control on webpage.
  • Creating video control on webpage.
  • Discussion on plug-in
  • Discussion of object, embed element.
  • Embedding YouTube videos.


Module 4 : CSS

CSS Basics

  • Introduction of CSS.
  • Advantage of using CSS over the HTML.
  • Properties and its value in CSS.
  • Ways to use CSS.
  • Why external CSS.
  • Comment in CSS.
  • Selectors in CSS
    • Discussion on selector.
    • Different type of selector
      • Tag selector
      • Defining and using multi selector.
      • Defining and using class selector
      • Multiple classes on particular tag.
      • Defining and using id selector.
      • Defining and using universal selector.
      • Why universal selector.
      • Defining and using attribute selector.
      • Use and advantage of using pseudo-class.
      • Defining nested selector.
      • Discussion on Pseudo element
  • Text formatting using CSS
    • Defining the color, size of text.
    • Discussion on different measurement unit.
    • Removing underline from hyperlink.
    • Use of text transformation.
    • Creating text shadow.
  • Page formatting using CSS
    • Defining the background.
    • Managing image in background.
    • Managing layout of page using position.
    • Differentiate absolute, relative and fixed layout.
    • Defining margin and padding. 
    • Setting individual margin and padding on page.
    • Create transparent box.
  • Table formatting using CSS
    • Defining the separate and collapse border.
    • Managing image in background.
    • Generate different structure of table.
    • Create table striped.
  • Border formatting using CSS
    • Defining border width
    • Define the individual border width.
    • Defining different kind of border style
    • Define the individual border style.
    • Defining border color
    • Define the individual border color.
    • Defining the radius of border.
  • List formatting
    • Setting list style
    • Showing image as an list
    • Positioning list.
    • Creating navigation bar.
    • Generating different view of navigation bar.
  • Cursor 
    • Setting different kind of mouse pointer.
    • Defines the double headed arrow.
    • Defining the four headed arrow.


Module 5 : CSS3

  • CSS3 formatting
    • Create sections with rounded corner.
    • Defines the image on border.
    • Defines the background.
    • Creating and managing different kind of gradients.
    • Creating shadow on text and box.
    • Defines skew, scale, move and rotate elements.


Module 6 : Responsive design using Bootstrap

  • Introduction of bootstrap
    • Introduction of bootstrap.
    • Discussion of responsive websites.
    • Discussion on different size of screen.
    • Difference between bootstrap3 and bootstrap4.
    • Discussion on different container and its limitations.
    • Ways to use bootstrap.
    • Discussion on CDN over downloaded version.

  • Layout management in bootstrap
    • Managing layout of webpage using bootstrap.
    • Differentiate container and container-fluid class.
    • Creating and manipulating sections in container.
    • Generating responsive text on webpage.

  • Text in bootstrap
    • Discussion on size of different heading in bootstrap.
    • Generating lighter and secondary text in bootstrap.
    • Discussion on block quotes, description list, code snippets etc.
    • Different text formatting in bootstrap. 
    • Generating contextual text color and background in bootstrap.
    • Showing text on jumbotron.

  • Table in bootstrap
    • Showing records in tabular format with basic styling.
    • Showing striped style on bootstrap table.
    • Showing bordered table and also apply hover format.
    • Contextual classes on table.
    • Generating responsive web site.

  • Icons in bootstrap
    • Discussion on glyphicon.
    • Use of glyphicon over normal text.
    • Limitation of glyphicon.
    • Showing icons on form controls like user, lock etc.
  • Modal in bootstrap
    • Understanding modal.
    • Create and open modal.
    • Different classes used for modal.
    • Defining the size of modal.
    • Showing login and registration page on modal.

  • Image in bootstrap
    • Creating responsive image.
    • Defining the rounded image.
    • Creating circle image.
    • Creating thumbnail image.
    • Image with caption.
    • Creating responsive video with scale to parent element.
    • Image with media class.
    • Defining alignment of media object.
    • Showing nested media object.

  • Button in bootstrap
    • Generate different style of button.
    • Generate different size of button in bootstrap.
    • Mean of large button, small button and block level button.
    • Using different state of button in bootstrap.

  • Button group in bootstrap
    • Creating horizontal button group.
    • Horizontal button group with different sizes.
    • Creating vertical button group.
    • Defining justified button group.
    • Nesting button and creating drop down.
    • Defining different section in drop down.

  • Alert message in bootstrap
    • Generating different types of alert message.
    • Generating different types of alert message as link.
    • Generating different type of alert message with close button.
    • Generating different type of alert message with animation.

  • Badges in bootstrap
    • What do you mean by badges?
    • Generating different types of badges.
    • Badges with contextual classes.

    • Panel and collapsible panel in bootstrap
      • What do you mean by panel?
      • Panel with heading.
      • Panel with footer.
      • Create panel group.
      • Panel with contextual class.
      • Create basic collapsible.
      • Create collapsible panel.
  • Menu and navigation bar in bootstrap
    • Creating menu as tab and pills.
    • Differentiating tab and pills.
    • Creating tabs as drop down menu.
    • Showing horizontal and vertical pills.
    • Creating pills with drop down menu.
    • Showing centered tabs and pills.
    • Creating toggleable tabs.
    • Creating dynamic tabs.
    • Creating toggleable pills.
    • Creating dynamic pills.
    • Creating navigation bar.
    • Defining inverted navigation bar.
    • Designing navigation bar with drop down menu.
    • Aligning menus in navigation bar.
    • Creating fixed navigation bar.
    • Create collapsing navigation bar in bootstrap.

  • Form in bootstrap
    • Creating form.
    • Discussion on form control default setting.
    • Creating form with different layout.
    • Discussion on default layout of form.
    • Creating text box in bootstrap.
    • Taking long string in text area.
    • Checkbox and radio button in bootstrap.
    • Creating drop down list.
    • Grouping input control on form.
    • Creating static control on form.
    • Using state of control on form.
    • Showing text box in different size.
    • Showing help text with form controls.
    • Carousel in bootstrap
    • What do you mean by carousel?
    • Creating carousel.
    • Discussion of different carousel classes.
    • Defining carousel with caption.
    • Spinner in bootstrap
    • What is spinner?
    • Creating and showing spinner on web page.
    • Showing colored spinner.
    • Creating growing spinner.
    • Defining the size of spinner.
    • Spinner with button.


Module 7 : Client Side Scripting with JavaScript

  • Introduction of JavaScript
  • What do you mean by scripting language?
  • Differentiate client side scripting and server side scripting.
  • Introduction of java script.
  • How to use java script?
  • First “Hello World” in Java script.
  • Discussion on syntax of java script.
  • Advantage of loosely typed languages over the strongly typed.

  • Basic of java script
    • Identifiers in java script.
    • Variable and its scope.
    • What is keyword?
    • What do you mean by operator?
    • Explore typeof operator.
    • Discuss Let and const keyword.
    • Introduction of control flow statement.
    • What do you mean by selection constructs?
    • What do you mean by iteration constructs?

  • Function in java script
    • What do you mean by function?
    • Advantage of using function.
    • Types of function in java script.
    • Creating user defined function.
    • Ways to create user defined function.
    • Local and global scope of variable.
    • What do you mean by strict mode?
    • Discussion on built in functions.
    • Anonymous function in java script.
    • Discuss array function.

  • Events in java script
    • What is event?
    • Different event and its uses in java script.
    • Demonstrating click event in java script.
    • Demonstrating double click event in java script.
    • Demonstrate the code of java script to change image using mouse over and out event.
    • Demonstrating change event on drop down list in java script.
  •  Object in java script
    • What do you mean by object?
    • Advantages of using object.
    • Creating object in java script.
    • How bind properties and method in object.
    • Accessing member of object.
    • Use of this keyword in java script.
    • What do you mean by Date object?
    • Showing running time on the text box.

  • String in java script
    • What do you mean by string?
    • Finding the length of string.
    • Finding sub string from given string.
    • Searching string from given string.
    • Extracting string in different ways.
    • Extracting domain from web address.
    • Replacing string in given string.
    • Converting string in lower and upper.
    • Joining two strings in java script.
    • Removing extra spaces from string.
    • Extracting character from given string.
    • Conversion from string to array.

  • Number in java script
    • What do you mean by number?
    • Discussion on number and floating point.
    • Description on precision of floating point numbers.
    • Difference between joining string and adding number. 
    • What do you mean by NaN and its type?
    • Mean by infinity.
    • Properties and methods of number.
    • Finding minimum value and maximum value.

  • Array in java script
    • What do you mean by array?
    • Creating and accessing array element in java script.
    • Role of new keyword in java script.
    • Discuss array is object or both are different?
    • Array properties and method.
    • Adding and removing element in/from an array.
    • What do you mean by associative array?
    • Converting array into string.
    • Join two arrays.
    • Shifting array elements.
    • Slicing operation on an array.
    • Arranging array element in ascending or descending order.
  • Type conversion in java script
    • What do you mean by type casting?
    • How many types of type casting in java script?
    • Discuss conversion in java script.

  • Form control with JavaScript
    • Syntax to accessing form control in java script.
    • Showing full name after adding first name and second on text box. 
    • Demonstrate the events on drop down list.
    • Demonstrate the events on radio button.
    • Demonstrate the code to check status of radio button(checked/Unchecked)
    • Demonstrate the code to check status of checkbox(checked/Unchecked)
    • Accessing radio button in java script. Discuss the index of radio button.
    • Demonstrate the java script code to create exam portal.

Module 8 :  DOM 

  • Introduction of DOM.
  • Discuss DOM over the java script.
  • Ways to access HTML element using DOM.
  • Accessing style using DOM.
  • Add event listener using DOM.
  • Add event handler to an element.
  • Remove event listener.
  • Create new HTML element using DOM.
  • Remove HTML element using DOM.
  • Discuss collection object.

Module 9 :  Front end design using React JS


  • Introduction of React.
  • Discussion on SPA.
  • Features of React JS
  • Advantages of react
  • Limitations of React

Environment setup

  • Install global packages
  • Add dependencies and plugin
  • Run the server
  • Create first react app.

Basic of React

  • Discussion on local server.
  • How does react work?
  • Run the server
  • Using HTML with react app.
  • Discussion on ES6.

React JS Component

  • Discussion on render function.
  • Component API
  • Brief Component life cycle
  • What do you mean by State object?
  • Demonstrate the ready state object.
  • How to use ready state object?
  • Changing the state object.
  • What is Props?
  • Passing data from one to another component.
  • Discussion on props in constructor.
  • Discuss the term Mixing.
  • What do you mean by JSX?

React JS- Component life cycle

  • Discussion of life cycle of components.
  • Discuss mounting, unmounting and updating.
  • Discussion on Life cycle methods
  • Explanation on life cycle

React JS-Events

  • What do you mean by event?
  • Adding event and specifying event handler.
  • Demonstrate example.
  • Discuss the use of this keyword.
  • Arrow function and bind method.
  • Discussion on child events

React JS router

  • Install a react router
  • Create components
  • Add a router

Component inter communication

  • Component composition
  • Pass data from parent to child
  • Pass data from child to parent

React form handling

  • Create and render user form with react
  • Demonstrate the conditional rendering.
  • Discussion on submitting the form.
  • Demonstration on validate user input.
  • Adding error messages.
  • Adding CSS styles with the react app.

Module 10 : Node JS


  • Foundation
  • Introduction to Node JS framework
  • Installing node JS
  • Using Node JS to execute scripts
  • Discuss NPM
  • The package.json configuration file
  • Global Vs local package installation

Module in Node JS

  • What do you mean by Module?
  • Discussion on built-in module.
  • Creating and using/including own module.
  • Export specific attribute.

HTTP and URL module in Node JS

  • Discussion on HTTP module in node.
  • Discussion on node JS as server.
  • Creating sever using http module.
  • Discuss localhost and port no.
  • Demonstration on adding http header.
  • Discuss the query string and reading it in node.
  • Discuss and demonstrate URL module.

Module 11 : MongoDB

  • Design Goals, architecture and installation
    • What is the need for Non-RDBMS?
    • Benefits of using Document based data bases
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • History of MongoDB
  • Features of MongoDB
  • What do you mean by NoSQL Database?
  • SQL vs NoSQL
  • Advantages of NoSQL
  • Discussion on MongoDB over RDBMS
  • Advantages of using Mongo DB
  • Discussion on Mongo Shell Basic Commands

Installation & Basic on Mongo DB

  • Discussion on different Datatypes used in MongoDB 
  • Installation of Mongo DB
  • Demonstration on creating and using database 
  • Removing database.
  • Adding data in database

Collection & documents

  • Discussion on Collection and documents
  • Creating and removing collection
  • Creating documents
  • Removing documents
  • Updating documents
  • Finding documents
  • Query Operation
  • Protection queries
  • Limiting query result

Operations in MongoDb

  • Why use Modules
  • What do you mean by Sorting? 
  • Discussion & demonstration on Indexing
  • Demonstration on advance indexing
  • Discussion on Replication
  • advantage and disadvantage of replication
  • How replication works?
  • Need of replication
  • Discussion on aggregation
  • Discussion on sharding 
  • Writing the first script


  • Discuss Export 
  • Exporting data from Mongo Db collection to JSON 
  • Exporting data from Mongo Db collection to CSV
  • Creating data backup in Mongo DB
  • Restore data in Mongo Db.

Module 12 : Express Framework

  • Express Overview 
  • Installation of express.
  • First example.
  • Discussion on request and response.
  • Discussion on basic routing.
    • setting up router 
    • Route parameter and queries
  • Discussion on get and post method
  • Express Cookies management 
  • Scaffolding as MVC.
  • Connecting to mongo database
  • Performing CRUD operations
  • Handling form data
  • Handling query parameters
  • Error handling
  • Using templates
  • The MVC Pattern
  • Building a front end controller
  • Defining routes
  • Creating actions
  • Configuring express to use handlebars
  • Using REST reading POST data
  • Adding middleware
  • Data sources.

CRUD Operations

  • Understanding of CRUD operations
  • Fundamentals usages of CRUD
  • Read/write operations with CRUD


  • Basic Computer Knowledge.
  • A basic understanding of HTML and Programming will be helpful.
  • Willingness to improve and compete with the best.
  • Curiosity to learn more and code.


Sample Certificate