Professional Certificate course in Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing

Learn in English, Hindi and Tamil

Master the two most in-demand tech skills of this decade: Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing through E&ICT Academy, IITK highly acclaimed Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Certification. Let industry experts teach you about all aspects of Intelligence and digital marketing fundamentals along with the must-know tools.

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5 Months
(Weekend program)


Live Online Classes + Lifetime Recorded

About E&ICT Academy, IITK Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Certification

E&ICT Academy, IITK provides top-notch tech upskilling for individuals from all backgrounds regardless of experience. Our Business Intelligence Course with Digital Marketing is a highly professional program for freshers and working professionals alike, seeking lucrative career opportunities and job roles that provide substantial salary hikes within both the Intelligence and digital marketing industries. Learn to analyze data, provide mindful business insights, and how to become a pro digital marketeer with mentorship from industry experts with years of experience. With a comprehensive course structure, expert guidance, an incredible project portfolio, and this course will help you build a stellar career in both business intelligence and digital marketing.

Our Prestigious Accreditations

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Top Reasons To Choose E&ICT Academy, IITK Professional Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Certification

Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Growth

13.5% from 2021 to 2030!
(Top 5 Trending Technology to Learn)

Average Salary of Business Analytics in India

₹15 LPA - ₹20 LPA


You’ll be working with Companies like

Avg. Salary in these companies: ₹15 LPA-20 LPA

High Demand Across Industries


Financial Services



Software Development


Wide Array of Career Opportunities After Course Completion: Business Analyst, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Database Administrator, Analytics Manager, Content Manager, Content Strategist, SEO Strategist, and many more.

Earning Potential:

1.Business/Data Analyst salaries typically range from ₹12 LPA to ₹15 LPA, depending on experience and location.

2.Digital Marketers can earn between ₹11 LPA and ₹19 LPA annually, with opportunities for higher salaries as expertise grows.

3.Business Analysts cum Content Managers who combine analyzing data, deriving meaningful conclusions from it, and strategizing the content through digital marketing often earn between ₹15 LPA and ₹21 LPA.

Business Analysts who are also proficient digital marketers are in high demand across industries ranging from finance, IT, and Entertainment to healthcare, offering job security and competitive salaries, thus there is a rise in the number of these intuitive job roles with a lack of professionals who are skilled in both. Digital Marketing is an indispensable tool for Business Analysts and by mastering it, even fresh graduates can command impressive average annual salaries ranging from ₹12 to ₹15 Lakhs, which is obviously higher for more experienced professionals and E&ICT Academy, IITK will help you master all of the in-demand tools to assist you in building an attractive GitHub portfolio that will help you stand out and soar toward a successful career.


Why Choose E&ICT Academy, IITK Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Certification?

Get to Know Our Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Course Syllabus

This program has been made specially for you by leading experts of the industry that can help you land on a High-paying Job

Introduction to Analytics


This curriculum provides a comprehensive introduction to business analytics, covering foundational concepts, models, roles, and the distinction between business analytics and business intelligence.

  • Introduction to Business Analytics
  • Models in Business Analytics
  • Roles and Responsibilities in Business Analytics
  • Understanding Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Business Analytics vs. Business Intelligence

Statistics Fundamentals


This module covers key statistical concepts such as descriptive statistics, probability, inference, hypothesis testing, estimation techniques, and identifying relationships between datasets.

  • Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode) and Dispersion (Variance, Standard Deviation)
  • Probability Concepts
  • Statistical Inference
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Estimation Techniques: Point Estimation and Interval Estimation
  • Finding Statistical Relationships Between Sets of Data

Data Wrangling with Excel


This module introduces fundamental Excel functionalities, including data searching and filtering, formula usage, data merging, pivot chart creation, and text function-based data cleaning.

  • Basic Excel Functionalities
  • Searching and Filtering Data
  • Excel Formulas
  • Merging Data in Excel
  • Pivot Charts in Excel
  • Cleaning Data with Text Functions

Advanced Excel & Integrating ChatGPT with Excel


This module covers fundamental concepts and techniques necessary for querying and manipulating data in a database management system (DBMS). 

  • Database Introduction and Installation
  • Data Modeling and Normalization
  • ACID Transactions and Data Types
  • Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Data Control Language (DCL) and Transaction Control Language (TCL)
  • SQL Constraints and Operators
  • Clauses in SQL (Where, Having, Group By, Order By)

Data Visualization with Excel


This module will help you gain the skills and knowledge to leverage Excel’s data visualization capabilities to communicate insights and trends in data effectively.

  • Reading Complex JSON Files
  • Styling Tabulation
  • Distribution of Data: Histogram, Box Plot
  • Pie Chart, Donut Chart
  • Stacked Bar Plot, Relative Stacked Bar Plot
  • Stacked Area Plot, Scatter Plots
  • Bar Plot, Continuous vs. Continuous Plot
  • Line Plot

Basics of SQL


This module covers fundamental concepts and techniques necessary for querying and manipulating data in a database management system (DBMS). 

  • Database Introduction and Installation
  • Data Modeling and Normalization
  • ACID Transactions and Data Types
  • Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Data Control Language (DCL) and Transaction Control Language (TCL)
  • SQL Constraints and Operators
  • Clauses in SQL (Where, Having, Group By, Order By)

Advanced SQL


This module covers SQL essentials like joins, functions (mathematical, conversion, general, date/time, numeric/string), conditional expressions, subqueries, and rank/window functions.

  • Joins (Inner, Left, Right, Full, Equi, Non-Equi, Self)
  • Mathematical Functions
  • Conversion Functions
  • General Functions
  • Conditional Expressions
  • Date and Time Functions
  • Numeric and String Functions
  • Subqueries
  • Rank and Window Functions

Business Intelligence Tool: PowerBI


This module covers Power BI essentials, including importing and cleaning data, modeling relationships, using DAX for calculations and measures, advanced visualization, time intelligence functions, and publishing options.

  • Power BI Overview and Components
  • Importing Data into Power BI from Various Sources
  • Data Transformation and Cleaning using Power Query Editor
  • Modeling Data Relationships in Power BI
  • Introduction to DAX Functions and Calculated Columns
  • Creating Custom Measures and KPIs in Power BI
  • Advanced Visualization Techniques
  • Working with Time Intelligence Functions in DAX
  • Power BI Publishing and Sharing Options

Business Intelligence Tool: Tableau


This module covers the fundamental concepts and functionalities of Tableau, enabling you to create interactive and insightful visualizations from various data sources. 

  • Introduction to Tableau and Its Components
  • Connecting to Data Sources in Tableau
  • Data Preparation and Transformation in Tableau Prep Builder
  • Building Basic and Advanced Visualizations
  • Implementing Interactive Dashboards
  • Introduction to Tableau Calculations
  • Geospatial Analysis and Mapping
  • Using Tableau’s Forecasting Features
  • Introduction to Tableau Server and Tableau Online

Predictive Analytics


This  module delves into the realm of predictive modeling techniques, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to forecast future trends and outcomes based on historical data. 

  • Introduction to Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning
  • Types of Machine Learning Problems
  • Introduction to Regression Analysis
  • Implementing Regression using Excel
  • Interpretation of Regression Models
  • Introduction to Clustering
  • Exploring Excel Add-ins for Predictive Analytics

Building the Business Case Document


This module equips participants with a structured approach to articulate the benefits, assess risks, and estimate the return on investment (ROI).

  • Understanding Business Objectives
  • Developing Scope, Plan, Budget, and ROI Calculations
  • Gathering Requirements and Risk Assessment
  • Developing a Business Case Document
  • Analyzing Industry-Specific BI Case Studies
  • Maximizing ROI from BI Investments

Governance & Security in BI


This module explores risk management strategies within BI environments, focusing on identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks to ensure the successful implementation and operation of business intelligence initiatives.

  • Risk Management Strategies in BI Environments

Data Interpretation & Reporting


This module equips individuals with skills to interpret data from diverse sources, derive key insights, and effectively communicate findings through storytelling, reports, and presentations.

  • Introduction to Data Interpretation
  • How to identify the Data sources-databases, files, APIs, web services, and streaming data sources.
  • API Integrations for Data Access
  • Deriving KPIs from a Business Perspective
  • Communicating Insights Through Storytelling
  • Report Preparation and Presentation

Emerging Trends in Business Intelligence


This module explores AI and ML in BI, covering algorithm integration for advanced analytics and automation, future trends, and ChatGPT for Business Analysts. It offers prompt tips and addresses AI implementation challenges.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in BI
  • Integrating AI and ML Algorithms for Advanced Analytics
  • AI-Driven Automation in BI Processes
  • Future Trends in AI-Powered BI
  • ChatGPT for Business Analysts
  • Tips for Effective Prompts
  • Challenges and Considerations in AI Implementation

Marketing & Digital Marketing Foundations


This module covers marketing basics such as business types, the marketing funnel (AIDA model), and the transition from traditional to digital marketing. It emphasizes leveraging digital channels for growth, online reputation management, and key website design elements.

  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Business Types in Marketing
  • Marketing Funnel (Consumer Journey  AIDA Model)
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing and its Importance 
  • Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing
  • Leveraging Digital Marketing Channels for Business Growth
  • Online Reputation Management (ORM)
  • Designing and Building a Web Presence
  • How do websites work?
  • Key website ingredients
  • Website design dos and don’ts

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)


This module provides an overview of search engines, including their operation and the distinction between organic and paid search. It covers essential SEO concepts such as on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, local SEO tactics, and tools like Google Search Console.

  • Search Engine Basics
  • How Search Engines Work  Crawling, Indexing & Serving Results
  • Organic vs Paid Search
  • Fundamentals of SEO
  • OnPage SEO & Keyword Research
  • OffPage SEO & Link Building
  • Technical SEO
  • SEO for Local Business (Local SEO)
  • Google Search Console
  • SEO Reporting & Analytics
  • SEO Case Study.

Paid Marketing


This module provides a comprehensive overview of paid marketing, from account setup to ad creation and targeting strategies, supported by real-world case studies for practical insights.

  • Introduction to Paid Marketing: Understanding the Basics
  • Understanding the Role of Paid Marketing in Business Growth
  • Setting Up Your Paid Marketing Accounts: Google Ads, Meta Ads(Facebook and Instagram), LinkedIn Ads.
  • Keyword Research and Selection for PPC (Google Ads, YouTube Ads)
  • Predictive Analytics for Paid Marketing: Forecasting Campaign Performance
  • Creating Compelling Ad Copy and Visuals
  • Ad Targeting Options: Demographics, Interests, and Behaviors
  • Bid Strategies and Budget Management
  • Tracking Conversions and ROI Measurement
  • Video Advertising on Google, Meta, and LinkedIn
  • Case Studies and RealWorld Examples of Successful Paid Marketing Campaigns

Social Media Strategy & Content Marketing


This module covers social media and content marketing essentials, including platform strategies, content creation, and email marketing integration. It emphasizes LinkedIn and Twitter for B2B growth and provides insights into email marketing strategies and performance measurement.

  • Introduction to Social Media and Content Marketing for Business Growth
  • Understanding the Role of Social Media Platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) in Business Growth
  • Crafting a Comprehensive Social Media Strategy: Goals, Audience, and Brand Voice
  • Developing a Content Marketing Plan: Integrating Social Media and Email Marketing
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for B2B Growth: Networking, Lead Generation, and Thought Leadership
  • Twitter for Business: Realtime Engagement, Trends, and Customer Service
  • Creating Engaging and Relevant Content for Social Media Platforms
  • Effective Email Marketing Strategies for Business Growth
  • Crafting Compelling Email Content: Newsletters, Promotions, and Announcements
  • Measuring Success: Key Metrics and Analytics for Social Media and Email Marketing
  • Case Studies and Best Practices in Social Media Strategy and Content Marketing for Business Growth

Marketing Analytics & Digital Marketing Tools


This module covers digital marketing metrics, GA4, GTM, PPC, and social analytics, along with crafting effective strategies and integrating AI tools.

  • Digital Marketing Metrics
  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
  • Google Tag Manager (GTM)
  • PPC Analytics
  • Social Analytics
  • Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy
  • AI Tools for Digital Marketing

Google Looker Studio:An enterprise platform for BI and Data Visualization


This module covers Google Looker Studio, including its benefits, interface, and data connectivity. Participants learn to create dashboards, reports, and charts, exploring visualization techniques and sharing options.

  • Introduction to Google Looker Studio
  • Benefits and Limitations of Looker Studio
  • Understand the basics and key features of Looker Studio.
  • Home Page Interface Walkthrough and Connecting to Data Sources.
  • Learn how to connect to various data sources using different types of connectors.
  • Gain knowledge about Looker Studio’s data collection and transformation options.
  • Creating Dashboards, Reports & Charts
  • Explore visualization techniques and adding interactions in Looker Studio.
  • Discover how to share Looker Studio reports with others.

Sharpen your skills in:

Enhance Your Resume with Industry Projects

Enhance Your Resume with Industry Projects

Optimizing Marketing Spend: Enhancing Revenue Response in Electronic Products Market

In an electronic products firm, marketing efforts have failed to generate sufficient return on investment, despite significant spending. The challenge is to optimize the marketing budget or reallocate it strategically across various channels to improve revenue outcomes.

Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency through Comprehensive Analysis

This project aims to optimize and streamline supply chain operations by conducting an in-depth analysis of the entire supply chain process. The analysis will identify bottlenecks, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency.

Strategic Insights from IPL Data Analysis: Cricket Performance Evaluation

This project focuses on analyzing data from the Indian Premier League (IPL) to gain strategic insights for cricket teams. It includes player performance evaluation, team strategies, and decision-making support for IPL franchises.

The Dynamics of Social Media Trends: A Comprehensive Analysis

This project focuses on social media trends, studying their emergence, evolution, and impact on user behavior. The analysis helps businesses and marketers stay ahead of trends and engage with their target audience effectively.

Swiggy Restaurants Data Analysis: Enhancing Food Delivery Services

This project involves analyzing data from the Swiggy food delivery platform. It aims to improve restaurant partnerships, delivery logistics, and customer experience, ultimately enhancing food delivery services for consumers and restaurants.

Marketing Campaign Optimization

Evaluate marketing campaigns across email, social media, and paid advertising using Looker Studio. Visualize key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI. Build interactive dashboards for marketers to compare performance, segment audiences, and optimize spend.

Crafting Compelling Web presence

Design and build a compelling web presence by understanding the inner workings of websites, including key ingredients and essential design principles.

Learn From Our Top Business Analytics with Digital Marketing Experts

No teacher is better than the best friend who teaches you before the exam. Here, mentors will be your best friends!

Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Certification

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Who Can Apply for the Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing Certification?

  • Fresh graduates interested in joining the business intelligence and digital marketing fields
  • Job aspirants with a bachelor’s degree & keen interest in data, Intelligence and marketing
  • Early professionals looking for a career switch into business Intelligence, digital marketing, or content strategizing and management

Why Choose E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur for Learning Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing?

E&ICT Academy, IITK career programs are project-based online boot camps that focus on bestowing job-ready tech skills through a comprehensive course curriculum instructed in regional languages for the comfort of learning the latest technologies.

  • Unique Course

A combination of both these amazing skill sets as a course that is at par with industry standards and in-demand skills is pretty much non-existent in the market. By enrolling in this course, you can step forward in a field where the gap is already wide and beat the competition early on.

  • E&ICT Academy, IIT-Kanpur Certification

Highlight your portfolio with skill certifications from E&ICT Academy, IIT-K that validate your professional and industry-standard Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing skills.

  • Industry Experts’ Mentorship

Get 360-degree career guidance from mentors with expertise & professional experience from world-famous companies such as Google, Microsoft, Flipkart & other 600+ top companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, this course will teach you in the form of live sessions as well as recorded videos so that you can learn at your own pace. This course takes you from a beginner to an expert level and covers technologies such as Tableau, PowerBI, Excel, and so much more. Not to mention, you also gain a highly accredited certification.

The Business Analytics with Digital Marketing course costs only ₹1,45,000 + GST. However, you can take a look at the course structure and topics covered in this course and determine whether you’re up for it in a mere 8000 rupees through our pre-bootcamp which is completely refundable in case you decide to opt out.

The demand for skilled Analytics and Marketing Professionals equipped with the right tools is very high and various software development companies and e-commerce businesses offer high salary packages of up to ₹20 LPA to hire them as they’re well-versed in both fields.

Even freshly graduated Business or Data Analysts with some data visualization skills earn an average annual salary of ₹8.0 LPA and can earn up to ₹15 LPA. Whereas, Digital Marketers make a whopping of around ₹11LPA to ₹19LPA. And, skilled professionals that pass out from this course and know how to combine analyzing data, deriving meaningful conclusions from it, and strategizing the content through digital marketing often earn between ₹15 LPA and ₹21 LPA.

This course is for everyone who wants to build a successful career in the business analytics and digital marketing industries or better yet combine these two skill sets to avail higher salary packages. They can be students, working professionals, or people looking for a switch to more successful careers. Everybody from all backgrounds is welcome and is sure to be upskilled.

This program has up to 24-month of EMI options Available for the payment of the course fee. You can start with a pre-booking fee of ₹8000 (Refundable), and evaluate your Prebootcamp performance. If still interested then proceed towards your successful upskilling journey or else stay assured of the ‘7-day pre-boot refund policy’.

In this Business Analytics with Digital Marketing course, you will learn about:

  • Tableau

  • Excel

  • PowerBI

  • SQL

  • Google Analytics, and much more.

Still have queries? Contact Us

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