Cloud Computing Trends: Predictions For The Future Of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, a big hit that has changed the face of IT resources, is the umbrella term for services such as storage, databases, software, analytics, and networking over the Internet on demand, reducing the cost of individual setup and infrastructure.

With the help of cloud computing, companies have seen improved performance and productivity related to these IT services globally. Stats show that the market share of cloud computing was $371 billion in 2020 and is projected to rise to $832.1 billion by 2025 at a 17.5% CAGR

Around 76% of organizations have already adopted multi-cloud worldwide. More such companies and businesses are adopting cloud computing over traditional, personal setups due to the improved speed, security, and data reliability it entails.With this rapid growth, the expenditure on cloud computing is projected to reach $591.8 billion in sales in 2023, totalling a 20.7% growth in one year.

Cloud Computing Trends

With the many benefits of cloud computing, more and more businesses are adopting it daily. This, in turn, enables the expansion and improvement of public, private, and hybrid cloud computing in all four categories:

    1. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
    2. Software as a service (SaaS)
    3. Platform as a service (PaaS)
    4. Function as a service (FaaS)

It has been predicted that about 75% of spending on application software will be through cloud computing by 2025, up from 57.7% in 2022.

With 85% of organizations expected to embrace cloud computing by 2025, there is no doubt that newer innovations are constantly coming up in the cloud computing industry. Following are a few cloud computing trends that are predicted to shape the future of this dynamic, ever-growing field:

Cloud Computing To The Edge

Edge servers are computers located as close to the end user as possible to help reduce the load on the original server and improve loading times and security. While it may seem counterintuitive, this decentralized cloud infrastructure complements cloud computing in multiple ways. This also gives rise to the growth of Secure Access Service Edge or SASE to help manage and control access of apps and services between the central network and users, solving the security and compliance problem.  Gartner predicts that companies switching to Edge Computing will experience 25% fewer cyberattacks. Moreover, the spending on edge computing is estimated to reach $317 billion by 2026.

The Cloud Goes Serverless

Function as a Service (FaaS) or Serverless computing is a cloud-based model that provides application access to users without the need to maintain a server. The user is then billed on the actual usage of the application while the provider handles the infrastructure. With more and more companies going on the cloud and software development on the rise, serverless computing is becoming popular. FaaS lets developers focus on software development rather than performing server maintenance and environment configuration. This also mitigates the risk of hardware failures. Additionally, the platforms scale automatically, lowering the risk of back-end failures. Predictions estimate the demand for serverless technologies to grow by 22.6% in the next three years.

The Incorporation Of AI And ML

Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Cloud Computing benefits both ways. On the one hand, data engineers employ AI to help manage the data stored in the cloud. Additionally, AI helps detect data patterns and improves data analysis.

Consequently, AI platforms and Machine Learning applications require powerful servers to work. This can contribute to a significant infrastructure cost. However, with cloud computing, AI can be made more cost-efficient through remote servers and infrastructure.

The AI market is estimated to rise to $2,025.12 billion by 2030, in which cloud computing will play a significant role for the above reasons.

Kubernetes And Blockchain Support

Blockchain technologies help create secure ledgers for data storage without a central authority. They are popular for their security and transparency. Blockchain is currently being used with the cloud for economic data processing.

However, it faces limitations due to scalability issues, thereby being unable to manage larger data sets. Kubernetes (K8) is an open-source system that helps solve this limitation by automating the scaling process.

K8 application, run from a single source, helps manage cloud-native applications such as blockchain to prevent malfunction automatically, saving users time to focus on more important work.

In this way, blockchain and Kubernetes can provide better services to businesses through the cloud, raising their demand soon.

The World Of Cloud Gaming

Cloud computing is growing exponentially in the field of gaming. The games are hosted on remote servers, making them accessible to gamers online without purchasing the whole setup. Cloud gaming also helps avoid lagging and requires minimal storage space on the system. In addition, the user doesn’t need to optimize their hardware or software for the game. Cloud gaming is also enabling the use of VR and AR for millions. Cloud gaming revenue is estimated to rise to $6.3 billion by 2024. With the introduction of 5G networks, it has become easier to accommodate the higher bandwidth that cloud gaming requires.

Multi And Hybrid Cloud On The Rise

Hybrid cloud servers are the perfect amalgamation of private and public cloud servers, enabling you to create a personalized IT environment. While the public cloud offers data access, low investment, and scalability; private clouds provide security for sensitive data handling. You can experiment with multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud to get the proper security, control, agility, and flexibility for your business model. In addition, you can choose multiple cloud vendors, freeing you of limited choices. It has been estimated that half of the cloud deployments will follow the hybrid method by 2025.


Cloud computing is the fastest-growing field in the world of information technology. By combining it with technologies such as blockchain, AI, and gaming, the applications of cloud computing continue to grow multi-fold.  The ever-expanding world of cloud computing, including edge computing, serverless computing, and hybrid clouds attracts hundreds of businesses everyday. However, the growth of cloud computing is not limited to these factors. Developers also look at various other aspects, including security, sustainability, and disaster recovery. This expansion also creates the need of cloud developers and experts, making it a lucrative job field. Online courses are one of the best ways to enter the field and contribute to the development of cloud computing.

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