ML or AI: What Should I Learn in 2024

Machine Learning, or ML, and Artificial Intelligence, or AI, are fields of computer science closely correlated to each other. Playing pivotal roles in developing the latest technologies and intelligent systems, the terms ML or AI are often used interchangeably, while they play distinct roles.

Varying in their application, scope, and methods, both Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are popular in the present digital world. Read on to learn about machine learning and artificial intelligence and get an answer to the question – ML or AI, which is better?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the development of technologies to build computers and machines that perform cognitive functions mimicking human intelligence, such as data analysis and decision-making. 

Such AI-enabled programs can provide information and take action without any human interference. With its wide scope of application, artificial intelligence, therefore, forms the crux of many modern systems and the technologies used in them.

Present in code, AI programs are made to perform tasks with human reasoning. Unlike automated machines, AI-enabled programs learn from the interactions for improved performance and efficiency. 

Both machine learning and deep learning are involved in developing AI algorithms.

How AI Works

Artificial intelligence systems work by collecting massive amounts of data and applying algorithms to it. The system then recognizes the patterns to make predictions. This is known as training the system.

This is followed by deploying the system to different applications, where the learning and adaptation of the data continues.

What is Machine Learning?

As part of AI, ML involves developing algorithms to help a system automatically learn insights and recognize patterns. This enables the systems to make better decisions. 

ML finds its application in improving performance over time through exposure to larger data sets, resulting in machine learning models. Therefore, the model will become better with the increased use of data. These machine-learning models can perform complex tasks, such as analyzing big data and sorting images. 

Machine learning enables these predictions without explicit programming and only using the data. ML can be applied in various industries as it helps generate accurate outcomes using data, and it can be closely utilized in data mining and data science.

How Machine Learning Works

Machine learning algorithms use data to learn patterns and make predictions and decisions without explicit programming. This requires collecting and preprocessing data, such as cleaning, transforming, and splitting it into training sets.

Once the data is preprocessed, it is fed to a machine-learning model and trained. The training involves learning algorithm patterns and adjusting model parameters to bring the predicted outputs closer to the actual outputs or targets. 

After assessing the accuracy and precision, the model is tuned and trained to make predictions and decisions using new data.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) vs ML (Machine Learning): Key Differences

While Machine Learning is essentially a subset of Artificial Intelligence, both differ in their working and functions. In simple terms, AI refers to enabling a system to mimic cognitive functions, while ML enables machines to extract results from data and learn from it. 

Following are the key differences between ML and AI:

Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence

What is it?

Algorithms and programs aimed at teaching a machine to perform a specific task and provide results by identifying patterns from data.

Machines that can mimic human intelligence to solve problems and perform complex tasks using machine learning results.


Each system can be trained to handle only one function. Primarily used for predictive modeling, pattern recognition, and decision-making

Performs a wide variety of tasks and finds applications in robotics, speech recognition, and natural language processing


Uses self-learning algorithms to produce predictive models

Uses logic and decision trees to reason, learn, and self-correct

Data Type

Can only use structured and semi-structured data

Can use all types of data, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured

Human Involvement

Requires human involvement to set up, train, and optimize the system

Designed to work with minimal human intervention

AI or ML: What Should I Learn in 2024?

With both fields being closely associated, choosing between ML and AI can be tough. However, both fields have a large scope in the future since it is the age of AI and ML. Therefore, learning either skill in 2024 can prove to be valuable.

Choosing AI and ML depends on your interests and career goals. Following are a few factors you can consider to choose between AI and ML:

  1. Career opportunities: Both ML and AI offer lucrative career opportunities. However, ML is currently being widely adopted in a large range of industries. 
  2. Interest: Since there is a reasonable number of jobs in both categories, the field you choose should depend on your interest. If you enjoy algorithm development and creating predictive models, you can select ML. However, AI provides a broader scope using intelligent systems and their various applications.
  3. Demand: When selecting a career path, consider the demand for ML or AI skills in your area and the particular industry or sector you wish to work for.

Therefore, there is no right choice when determining ML or AI- which is better? Your chosen career depends on your interests and the industry you wish to work in.

How To Learn AI

Artificial intelligence encompasses a wide range of skills and technologies that you can specialize in. To get started, you can select one of the best artificial intelligence courses such as:

How To Learn Machine Learning

Machine Learning can also be learnt online with the help of courses from institutes such as IFACET. The best machine learning courses include:

Future of AI and ML

As per GVR reports, the global market for AI is expected to reach $1.8 trillion by 2030. This will be facilitated by the increased use of AI and ML, which are applied in areas like autonomous vehicles, personalized learning experiences, and creative fields such as music and literature.

However, one sector that stands out for the scope of AI and ML is healthcare, where they can be used for personalized medicine and improved diagnostics. AI and ML need to be scrutinized to manage fairness, transparency, and accountability, which will give rise to ethical AI practices.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are interconnected and find applications in various industries. While AI makes decisions mimicking human Intelligence, ML focuses on making data-based decisions by analyzing existing data.

Often used to develop AI algorithms, ML can only be used for one type of task, while AI can encompass a variety of functions. However, both these sectors are growing multifold, and learning either skill can help you advance in a lucrative career.


To learn ML or AI, you must have a strong foundation in mathematics. In addition, you must have a computer science degree and knowledge of programming and algorithms.

After learning AI, you can take up a role as a Big Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Business Intelligence Developer, NLP Engineer, or Data Analyst. 

Knowledge and skills in Machine Learning can get you jobs as a Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist, NLP Scientist, etc.

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