CAD and Analysis

Embark on a transformative learning journey and elevate your skill set through our concise and impactful courses. These courses are meticulously crafted to provide students with a robust understanding of industry-relevant topics, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter within a short timeframe. Our expertly designed curriculum and hands-on approach guarantee a dynamic and immersive learning experience.

Program Duration

1-2 Month

Learning Format


Admission closes on

20th May 2024

Program Overview

Explore the cutting-edge realm of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Analysis with our comprehensive programs. Delve into powerful tools that seamlessly integrate design and simulation capabilities. Unlock the potential for precise modelling, dynamic simulations, and rigorous analysis to bring your ideas to life. Elevate your design and engineering projects skills with intuitive interfaces and robust functionalities, providing a holistic solution for seamless innovation and optimization.

Join us in mastering the art of design and analysis through these dynamic programs, where creativity meets precision, and innovation takes centre of the stage.


Who is this programme for?

Mechanical & Automotive Engineering students

Working Professionals
& Faculties

ITI and
Diploma Students

Every auto enthusiast can enroll for the program.

Our Faculty

Program Outcomes

Sample Certificate

Program Advisor

Professor Amey Karkare

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Professor Amey Karkare is the Poonam and Prabhu Goel Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur. His areas of focus are applications of Program Analysis, Compiler Optimizations, Software Engineering, and Machine Learning to build software systems.

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